I'm sure that you have heard me talk about the sandhill cranes that we have fed since we moved into our home. Sandhill cranes pair up for life and often when one dies, it's not long before the other one will die as well. Last year in February, I was sad when only one bird would come up to get corn. (They come in the morning and in the evening) But after a while, we realized that there were two birds coming at different times to be feed and that they were sitting on a nest. Sure enough, a few weeks later, we had two babies joining their parents. We did lose one baby, but the other one stayed with its parent until January. Now we're back to one crane coming at a time. When they bring the baby with them, I'll take pictures.
Hannah and I wanted to see if we could grow an avacado tree. We let the seed sit in a glass of water for a couple of months (being held with three toothpicks) We kept waiting for the seed to grow roots. She and I would pick the seed up by the toothpicks and talk about the slime that was growing on the seed but no roots. Richard finally told us to throw it away. I agreed and went to throw it out...picked it up and noticed a long root coming out of the seed which hadn't been there a couple of days earlier. Hannah and I planted the seed and now the tree is going to outgrow the pot.
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