Sunday, July 13, 2008

Wonderful 4th of July Week

Mom, Dad, Todd, Ron and Mary came in for a visit over the 4th of July week. Brent and Emily opened their home to all of us. They grilled hamburgers, hotdogs and sausage dogs. We had all kinds of cookies and brownies that Sarah and Hannah made...and lots of good food. Avalon Park puts on a "carnival" theme at their town square. The kids loved playing/climbing/jumping...there was even a man that was wrestling alligators.Tyler and Sarah - the two TeenagersYummmm...the hamburgers are really good...maybe it's the ketchup that is sooooo goodColton, the wonderful Big brother, helping Dakota climb the rock wallDakota going down the slideAndrew going down the slideSarah and Hannah at the top of the three story jungle gymWatching the fireworks...we were right across the street from where they were shooting them....pretty closeMary got us tickets to see the Coke Zero 400 on July 5th. It was Andrew, Dad, Todd and my first experience. Prior to going there, Richard would make comments about the "thrill of seeing cars pass by while sitting in hard bleachers and drinking half cold beers out of a can" But I have to say that I'm a little hooked on the whole Nascar experience. We had beautiful weather and I was so amazed that I could see the cars race around the track, but as they passed directly in front of me, they were nothing but a blur. We rented the Fanview, so we were able to listen to the drivers. There is so much more than just a fast car to win the race...there is bumping, drafting, when to bring the car in for a pit stop, how many new tires that are put on. We were there to watch Carl Edwards who is sponsored by Office Depot (Well, Andrew loves Jeff Gordon)and we had an increditble ending that included Carl Edwards, Jeff Gordon and Kyle Busch. Kyle Busch won....not our pick...but we loved being there...we took home little pieces of tire that were all over our shirts from the tiresAndrew stepping in Jeff Gordon's shoesMary got us Pit Credentials which meant that we got to go down on the track and back by the cars. Here we are on the track at the top of Turn Four. Andrew got to wave at several drivers: Mark Martin, Tim Burton, Tony Stewart,Andrew in front of Jeff Gordon's car

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