Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I'm Pouting Tonight....

Today was just a crazy day - a day that seemed so filled - but could hardly get anything done....I really don't like those kind of days...

As I was ending the day, I had to get a package in the Fedex...I get to the box to see that I had missed it by 4 minutes....I called Al w/ Fedex to find out where he was and he was in Sanford, but he made a phone call for me and made arrangements for the person in DeBary to wait for me....

So here is where a not so good day...got a little worse....

I turn around and go down Providence to look up and see the blue lights...oh boy...

In the past, I have smiled my way through a ticket to a warning....

Well, this deputy was older....and though he gave me a break in the ticket...I still got the ticket...and then a summons to go before a judge because I wasn't wearing corrective lenses....ummmmmmm...I don't need them since Lasik...but I've never had that removed from my license....did you know that you had to do that????!!! He proceeded to explain how nice he was being in not arresting me for that...

So I'm pouting....I hate the idea of paying for the ticket...what a waste of money!!! I can think of LOTS and LOTS of things to spend that 116.00 on it! And because, too, I must not be young enough to smile my way through it anymore :-)

Sarah, Andrew and Hannah - there is never a reason to get a ticket - the ticket was my fault!!!

BTW - Fedex did wait for me and I was able to get my package off. A stranger did something kind for me today - it's my turn to pay it back!

1 comment:

Lori @ Just Pure Lovely said...

Oh, that just stinks. Especially the corrective lenses part. Mean ol' cop!

There. I said all the mean stuff for you. You're being very mature and have a good attitude about it all!