Monday, May 26, 2008

Hannah's Last SFA

SFA stands for Success For All. It is a program that the Florida Public Schools have put a lot of effort into the elementary grades...wanting to ensure that every elementary student has the foundation to be successful through out their school years. At the beginning of the school year, Hannah joined the SFA in Reading which meant that every two weeks she brought home a back pack with 10 books that we'd read. Once a quarter, all of us involved in this program had a function one evening at the school that usually entailed pizza and some type of program to make the children excited about reading. Our last meeting was last Wednesday, May 21st. The students were asked to tell their favorite story in an different way. Hannah was one of four that participated. The other students didn't want to participate. She dressed up like Cinderella, told us about the story and twirled in her dress. We ended the program with Ice Cream Sundaes. Thank you so much to Mrs. Hays and Mrs. Payne for all of their help and desire for every student to be successful. Hannah now reads at on the 2.3 grade level. (Uncle Todd came to this program since he was home from his trucking job.)

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